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Drawing Apprentice

Website: adamlab.gatech.edu/drawing-apprentice

Example of the using Drawing Apprentice web application to draw abstract drawing. See full paper in bibliography for copyright details.

Drawing Apprentice draws with an artist in real time. When the human artist draws, the system responds with its own drawing on the same canvas. The artist can rate the system’s drawings to influence what algorithms are used to generate them. Throughout the drawing process, the artist can control a ‘creativity slider’ that influences how much the system’s drawings deviate from their own.

‘At the highest level, the system is a co-creative agent that takes user input lines, transforms those lines based on pre-encoded line transformation techniques, and outputs new lines onto the same canvas. Unique and defining features of input lines set are determined by clustering the data points in the input lines and sending that cluster data into the neural network. This allows the neural network to derive its own classifications scheme based on the data it has been given.’




Digital Art, Painting/Drawing

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